Tentang Algorithmics

Directing children's gadget use in a more beneficial direction
Providing insights into promising professions in the IT field
is an international
Developing logical thinking patterns
school of programming and mathematics for children aged 5-17 years
Study at an
international school
Hundreds of thousands of children and parents have entrusted their children's digital education to us, from various countries to Indonesia.
years in business

Our courses

A child can start learning at any age
8-11 years
Visual Programming
5-6 years
Coding Knight
10-14 years
Game Design
7 years
Digital Literacy
12-14 years / 14-17 years
Python Start/
Python Pro
8-10 years
Graphic design

Attend a free demo
lesson online

In the first free lesson:
Your child will understand what a programming is
Spend time having fun and usefully
Making his first small IT project
Talking about your child's experiences and hobbies
Dengan mengklik tombol ini Anda setuju dengan kebijakan privasi dan mengirim sms
Discuss educational tracks and choose the most suitable one for your child.
After the master class we will send you a certificate

Why children should study at our school

We teach promising and modern professions
A programmer in an IT company receives a salary of $3,000
We teach practical IT skills that are not taught in 90% of schools.
With us your child will create his first IT project in a few months.
Programming is a necessary skill in the modern world
As basic knowledge of programming that is required nowadays will also be required for any job in 5 years.

Classes are held on our online learning platform

All you need is a laptop and internet
with a break
90 mins
per week
1 time
per group
Up to 10 students

Our students' projects

By a student from India after 4 months of lessons
By a student from the Philippines after 1.5 months of lessons
By a student from Kazakhstan after 2 months of lessons
By students from Indonesia after 3 months of lessons

Our students


Algorithmics is a recognized company in the education market.

Submit a request and find out more information

We will answer all your questions in the free trial class.
Answers to frequently asked questions
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Algorithmics Global FZE

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Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order – Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. Whatsapp Ditjen PKTN: 0853-1111-1010
Follow us on social media
Telepone: +62 21 50996971
Email: algo-indonesia@algoritmika.org
Address: GoWork. Panin Tower SenayanCity, Lantai 15 Jl. Asia Afrika, Lot 19, CentralJakarta, 10270
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